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by 米凯拉史密斯
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巴塞罗那 on a Budget: 5 Tips for 第一代 Students Studying Abroad in 巴塞罗那 

宝博体育 能带来昂贵而难以企及的声誉吗. Between the ideas of international travel every weekend to eating out at local restaurants daily, this can be a daunting financial burden to take on for many prospective students.  

作为一个 第一代 and low-income college student, studying abroad was often doubtful for me due to this price tag. 然而,有了这些我在我的时间里发现的技巧和技巧 西班牙留学到目前为止,我花了一个学期 巴塞罗那 既丰富又可维护. 利用住在巴塞罗那的以下几个方面 节省你的钱 同时也要充分利用你的留学经历!  

1. 公共交通 

巴塞罗那的公共交通系统便捷实惠. Although study abroad students may be familiar with calling an Uber to get from spot to spot, getting out of this habit will be more convenient and beneficial for your wallet. 巴塞罗那的地铁一直运行到午夜或凌晨两点.m. 这要看是哪天晚上了, 公交车在地铁停运时间过后仍在运行. 除了这些选项之外, 地面有轨电车在某些社区运行, and the A1 or A2 公共汽车es connect 公共汽车y zones to the airport—this is extremely handy for 周末旅行!  

目前乘坐一次地铁的费用仅为2欧元多一点, but 东航卡帕 students studying abroad in 巴塞罗那 are strongly encouraged to request their T-Jove public transportation card through T-Mobilitat. This card for young travelers costs around 50 euros and is a 90-day unlimited pass for all public transportation options, 包括地铁, 公共汽车, 有轨电车, 和更多的! Request this option online with your Passport number and you can mail to the 东航卡帕 Study Center, 或者在指定的地铁站亲自申请. (编者注:如果你和我们一起在巴塞罗那留学, 请等待东航卡帕的指示后再申请您的卡!)  

This investment in getting around the city for the entirety of your study abroad stay is an absolute must and will save you lots of money on taxis!  



2. 免费博物馆日 

Visiting museums is an excellent way to submerge yourself in your host culture. Learning the history of your new home away from home is important and strongly recommended, 但热门博物馆的入场费可能令人望而却步! 在巴塞罗那, there are luckily many opportunities for free or discounted entry into popular museums and touristy sites for your first few weeks in 西班牙.  


加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆(MNAC) is an impressive art collection near Placa de Espanya. 这座艺术博物馆坐落在一座城堡里,从外面看令人叹为观止, with its location atop a bit of elevation adding stunning views of the city beyond art installations. 每天下午3点以后.m.,以及每个月的第一个周日,进入MNAC是免费的!  


如果你是一个标志性艺术的爱好者,毕加索博物馆是不容错过的. 比如MNAC, visiting this collection of Pablo Picasso’s work is cost-free on the first Sunday of each month and on Thursdays from 6 p.m.-9 p.m.  

巴塞罗那博物馆'Història (MUHBA) 

巴塞罗那博物馆'Història (MUHBA) is an amazing place to visit to familiarize yourself with the historical Roman presence in 巴塞罗那. This historical museum of 巴塞罗那 offers free admission all day on every first Sunday of the month, 3点以后.m. 每隔一个星期日.  



如果你不是一个博物馆常客,喜欢探索你所在城市的每一个角落, uncovering public sites as a free means of sightseeing is always accessible in 巴塞罗那. There are historical monuments and significant buildings in every inch of this rich city. 在这些博物馆和遗址之外, keeping your student visa or student ID on you can offer you special discounts and offers all around 巴塞罗那!  



3. Menú del Día 

享受 国外的食物 在你的留学期间,巴塞罗那是非常诱人的. Menú del día, translated to “Menu of the day” in English, is a set menu many restaurants offer. These set menus are indulged on during 西班牙’s largest meal of the day, lunch! 还有一份套餐, this dining option has a solidified price for the entire multiple course meal that typically ranges around 15 euro.  

Chalkboards with the meal options are often placed outside of restaurants around lunchtime with the cost of the menu of the day also displayed. This affordable option to dine at a local spot to enjoy Spanish cuisine is more than a meal—it’s a cultural experience that you won't forget!  


凯旋门附近的一个例子Menú del día.  

4. 二手购物 

If you settle into 巴塞罗那 and realize that you may have under packed and are itching for a shop, 抵制住诱惑,不要去Zara或Mango等热门连锁店. 距离东航卡帕学习中心仅3分钟步行路程, 你会发现自己周围都是名为Humana的二手店. These thrift shops are an affordable and sustainable option for upgrading your wardrobe, and you may even come across some Spanish brands you hadn’t encountered before. These vintage or secondhand clothing shops are also amazing options for donating clothing, 如果有必要的话, 你在巴塞罗那的学期快结束的时候!  

5. 加泰罗尼亚/西班牙的周末旅行  

留学文化的一个重要方面是 周末旅行在巴塞罗那也不例外. Participating in this travel craze and seeing beyond your host city of 巴塞罗那 can be made affordable and accessible by prioritizing 周末旅行 within the region of Catalonia and the country of 西班牙 as a whole! Travel by train or 公共汽车 to surrounding cities such as Sitges and Valencia rather than booking expensive flights to other countries. Familiarizing yourself with your host region can be enriching and makes for a better feeling of home during your stay in the beautiful city of 巴塞罗那. 




同时适应在国外的一个学期, 财务健康不应该成为一个额外的压力源. 有了这些节俭的建议 & 让你在巴塞罗那度过美好时光的小窍门, 西班牙, 更便宜, 你可以以更有吸引力的价格适应你的东道国! 

米凯拉史密斯 内容创造者-博客在巴塞罗那吗, 西班牙, 目前就读于雪城大学.
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